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  • #73642
    Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Shona Davison, who has myotonic dystrophy, will feature in the documentary “What if my baby is born like me?” tonight on BBC3 at 9.00pm.

    Shona will be sharing her experiences of IVF with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, you can find out more on her blog

    Posts: 46
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Thanks for the mention. It’s on now! And repeated lots throughout the week.

    Posts: 71
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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Well Done Shona !!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Very moving film.

    Does give a very clear explanation of PGD and the issues
    surrounding it.

    34 out of 1500, amazing odds no wonder Shona was
    pleased about it.

    Two great cats as well !

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Thanks Taungfox,

    It would be lovely if just one couple who thought they couldn’t have children because they were scared of passing on their genetic condition, realised that there may be a way and went and asked their doctor about it.

    My doctors never told me about PGD. I think that’s a shame. Hopefully documentaries and things in the media help people to be more aware of their options.


    Posts: 71
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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    @shona wrote:

    It would be lovely if just one couple who thought they couldn’t have children because they were scared of passing on their genetic condition, realised that there may be a way and went and asked their doctor about it.

    My doctors never told me about PGD. I think that’s a shame. Hopefully documentaries and things in the media help people to be more aware of their options.Shona

    In Shona’s short time in this documentary she made all the right points.

    Especially “Anticipation”, the condition getting worse over generations. Surely
    this fact alone will persuad many people that this is the right option.

    The discovery of the eight month pregnancy with H.E.D. was
    a shaker. This would convince a few doubters.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Being hyper-critical for a moment. Shona just did not get
    enough “air time”.

    Surely her story was the main point, the “Holy Grail” of
    an answer to the terrible problem that couples in this
    situation find themsleves.

    Did we get a bit lost in the voyeuristic element of
    poor Jonno’s condition?

    The story was all there. Couple with severe inherited condition
    making heart rending choices over whether to risk passing it
    on to their children.

    Of course you see them making all the wrong choices over
    relatively small worries such as the general anaesthetic or the
    “maybe it will be alright anyway” argument. Surely the point
    is made by the other couple who suddenly find in the eighth
    month that their soon to bo born son has inherited their
    H.E.D. genetic condition.

    Loved Shona in one sentence making the point on population
    dynamics to answer his “well I wouldn’t be here” arguments /worries.

    Then suddenly we are back to Jonno on the internet viewing
    the darker side of having a disfiguring condition. My worry
    is that the man in the street will just think it is another of those
    documentaries in the current vogue where as one commenator
    wrote “you are left full of sympathy but left plenty of time
    to gawp at the freak”.

    Maybe lessening the point that Shona’s PGD is a massive
    breakthrough on a terrible human dilemma.

    I assume Shona, that they filmed a lot more time on your aspect
    which ended up on the editing room floor?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Hi Taungfox,

    They just filmed the two parts, the egg collection and the pregnancy test, though of course there was much more footage. The film wasn’t really about IVF, it was more about the decisions and dilemmas people in Jono’s (and my/our) position face and IVF is just one possibility. Jono is quite well known nowadays (he already had a documentary about him) so people are very interested in his life. It was his follow up documentary, but I was really glad to have a small part in it.

    My thoughts on these sorts of decisions are that everybody’s circumstances are different. I would have hated it, if in the documentary, they tried to say one way of having babies was the best way. I think they did a really good job of showing the anguish people face when coming to their decision. In my opinion, the prospective parents should be given all the information they need (I wasn’t, hence me deciding to raise awareness of PGD) and then they can make their own informed decision about what is right for them.

    When you are going through this process, you find many people like to tell you their opinions on what you should or shouldn’t be doing. Usually they are people who have no understanding of your life or medical condition. I think that is partly why so many people are secretive about PGD or having prenatal tests. It’s a shame it’s a taboo subject, as that only serves to make the people going through it feel more isolated. I can understand why people keep it private though as the last thing you need when you are on this emotional roller coaster is people judging you.

    Steve and I decided on IVF with PGD, but that certainly isn’t the answer for every couple. I meet/speak to many people as the Sheffield contact person for MDSG who have made different decisions to me. I would never judge them, as that is what is right for them. The thing I don’t like to see though is when people are making decisions without knowing the facts (e.g. when they don’t understand about anticipation in Myotonic dystrophy).


    Posts: 71
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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    Its great that your helping get the word out on what choices are available for starting a family. and also whats involved in the IVF PGD. think lots of couples will be like Jono and his partner and not really comprehend how involved IVF is and what a comitment it is.

    It has given me hope, should I want to start a family someday that their could be a way to have a MD free baby.

    well done to all who gave the time to the project

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    Re: Shona Davison on BBC 3 tonight

    It’s funny Catatude but even my friends who have been reading my blog have been surprised how many appointments I have to go to. They have seen me doing IVF for five years, but I guess I just go to them without necessarily telling people every time. I think of them like going to work, just something I have to do, a means to an end.

    I am glad to see the end of the trips to London now though, that is for sure. It’s the end of an era. I am 11 weeks pregnant now so nearly at the less risky stage (second trimester)

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